1. Law Related One Word Substitution PDF Download ( Hindi and English ) :-
✻ Lease ➥ A legal agreement that allows someone to use a building or land for a period of time, Usually in return for a rent ➥ किराये पर देना
✻ Kangaroo court ➥ An unofficial court that punishes people unfairly ➥ गैर क़ानूनी न्यायालय
✻ Statue law ➥ The whole group of written laws that are made by a parliament, council etc. ➥ वैधानिक कानून
✻ Common law ➥ The system of laws that has developed from customers and the decision of judges rather than from laws made by the parliament. ➥ सामान्य कानून
✻ Criminal law ➥ Laws relating to crimes and their punishments. ➥ फौजदारी कानून
✻ Civil law ➥ Laws relating to affairs to private citizens rather than crime. ➥ दीवानी कानून
✻ Tort ➥ Laws relating to actions that are wrong but not criminal ➥ क्षतिपूर्ति कानून
✻ Jurisprudence ➥ The science or study of law ➥ न्यायशास्त्र
✻ Allege ➥ To say that something is true or that someone has done something wrong. ➥ आरोप लगाना
✻ Writ ➥ A document from a court that orders someone to do ro not to do something. ➥ याचिका
✻ Injunction ➥ An order given by a court which tells someone not to do something ➥ निषेधाज्ञा
✻ Summons ➥ An official orders to appear in court of law. ➥ न्यायालय का बुलावा पत्र
✻ Arraign ➥ To make someone come to court to answer a charge against him. ➥ दोषी ठहराना
✻ Verdict ➥ An official decision made in a court of law that someone is not guilty of a crime. ➥ न्यायालय का फैसला
✻ Acquit ➥ To give a decision in a court that someone is not guilty. ➥ दोष मुक्त करना
✻ Jury ➥ A group of judges. ➥ न्यायाधीशो का समूह
✻ Plaintiff ➥ Someone who brings a legal action against another personin a court of law. ➥ मुद्दई / अर्जीदार
✻ Defendant ➥ A person in a court of law who has been accused of doing something. ➥ बचाव पक्ष
✻ Prosecution ➥ To prosecute a legal action in court. ➥ अभियोग
✻ Constitutional law ➥ Laws relating to or based on constitution of a country. ➥ संविधानिक कानून
✻ Commercial law ➥ Laws relating to business and buying and selling. ➥ व्यापारिक कानून
✻ Corporate law ➥ Laws relating to activities of big companies or groups or companies acting together as a single organization. ➥ नैगमिक कानून
✻ Mortgage ➥ A legal agreement by which a person borrows money from a bank usually to buy a house. ➥ गिरवी
✻ Testimonial ➥ A written statement about someone's character, usually provided by an employer. ➥ विवरण
✻ Ultimatum ➥ A set of terms. ➥ अंतिम शर्त
✻ Fraud ➥ Act of deceiving somebody in order to make money. ➥ धोखा
✻ Mortgage ➥ A legal agreement by which a person borrows money from a ➥ बंधक
✻ Amnesty ➥ A general pardon of offenders. ➥ अपराध - क्षमा
✻ Jurisdiction ➥ A fixed territory in which authority can be exercised. ➥ अधिकार क्षेत्र
✻ Subpoena ➥ An order requiring a person to attend a court. ➥ समन जरी करना
✻ Alimony ➥ Allowance due to a wife from her husband on separation. ➥ भरण - पोषण भत्ता
✻ Violate ➥ Break an agreement, law or promise. ➥ उलंघन करना
✻ Circumstantial ➥ Clues available at a scene. ➥ ब्योरेवार
✻ Investigation ➥ Careful and thorough enquiry. ➥ छानबीन
✻ Anomaly ➥ Deviation from the common rule or standard ➥ अनियमितता / अव्यवस्था
✻ Judicious ➥ Done with good judgement. ➥ विवेकी
✻ Internment ➥ Detaining and confining someone ➥ पूछताछ
✻ Impunity ➥ Exemption from punishment ➥ दंड से मुक्ति
✻ Default ➥ Fail to pay a debt in time ➥ भुगतान नही कर पाना
✻ Exonerate ➥ Free somebody from blame or guilt ➥ मुक्त करना
✻ Inheritance / legacy ➥ Property handled down after the death of a person ➥ विरासत
✻ Patrimony ➥ Property inherited from one's father or ancestors. ➥ पैतृक सम्पति
✻ Feint ➥ Pretended attack ➥ भुलावा
✻ Contraband ➥ Prohibited by law or exported ➥ नियम विरुद्ध
✻ Legacy ➥ Property handed down after the death of a person. or Property that which is given to a person by one's will ➥ वसीयत में मिली हुई वस्तु या धन किसी भूतपूर्व मालिक की जिन्दगी में ही दूसरे के नाम स्थानांतरित धन
✻ Parole ➥ Release of a prisoner from jail or certain condition ➥ करावकाश
✻ Privilege ➥ Right or advantage available to a person ➥ सुविधा / विशेषाधिकार
✻ Rebate ➥ Reduction in a tax or debt ➥ छुट
✻ Liable ➥ Responsible according to law ➥ संरक्षक
✻ Felony ➥ serious crime like murder , arson. ➥ भयंकर अपराध
✻ Remand ➥ Send back a criminal into custody for further investigation ➥ हवालात में वापस भेजना
✻ Collusion ➥ Secret agreement for a fraudulent purpose ➥ धोखेपूर्ण संधि , जालसाजी
✻ Curfew ➥ Signal under martial law for people to remain indoors ➥ कर्फ्यू , नि: जन
✻ Precedent ➥ Some previous example from the past ➥ पूर्व द्रष्टान्त / उदाहरण
✻ Forgery ➥ Signature of someone's name without his permission. ➥ जालसाजी
✻ Hijack ➥ To seize control of a vehicle in order to force it to go to a new destination , or demand something ➥ अपहरण करना
✻ Redtapism ➥ Too much official formality ➥ लालफीताशाही
✻ Irrevocable ➥ That which cannot to be called back ➥ अटल
✻ Prejudiced ➥ To be biased against ➥ पूर्वाग्रह
✻ Desertion ➥ The abandonment of one's country or cause ➥ दल - बदल
✻ Assent ➥ To agree to something ➥ स्वीकृति
✻ Hoard ➥ To store and stock ➥ जमाखोरी
✻ Corroborate ➥ To confirm with the help of evidence ➥ पुष्टि होती है
✻ Fidelity ➥ The quality of being faithful ➥ ईमानदारी
✻ Insurmountable ➥ That cannot be overcome ➥ अलंघनीय
✻ Defame ➥ To injure one's reputation ➥ बदनाम करना
✻ Confiscate ➥ To officially take private property away to seize ➥ जब्त करना
✻ Booty ➥ Things taken by robbers ➥ लुट का माल
✻ Bigamy ➥ The state of having two spouses at the same time ➥ एक पत्नी या पति रहते दूसरा विवाह करने का अपराध
✻ Indict ➥ To accuse or charge a person with a crime in due from of law ➥ अपराध या दोष लगाना
✻ Instigation ➥ The act of provoking and goading a man ➥ प्रोस्त्साहन / कुकर्म कराने के लिए उकसाना
✻ Abrogate ➥ To do away with a rule ➥ किसी नियम का आज्ञानुसार हटाना / रद्द करना
✻ Irrevocable ➥ That which cannot be called back ➥ जिसे पूरा न किया जा सके
✻ Prohibitory ➥ That which is prohibited by law ➥ निषेधात्मक
✻ Prevaricate ➥ To avoid giving a direct answer to a question in order to hide the truth ➥ वाक्छल करना
✻ Implicate ➥ To confirm with help of evidence ➥ पुष्टि करना
✻ Intestate ➥ To die without having made a will ➥ निवर्सियत
✻ Mediate ➥ To try to settle a dispute between two other parties ➥ मध्यस्थता
✻ Harass ➥ Trouble anybody continually ➥ तंग करना
✻ Intimidation ➥ Use of language or gesture which implies threat to someone ➥ धमकी / धमकाना
✻ Coercion ➥ Use of force or threats to get someone to agree to something ➥ जबरदस्ती
✻ Irrelevant ➥ Unrelated to the subject ➥ अप्रासंगिक
✻ Statute ➥ Written law of a legislative body ➥ कानून
✻ Ransom ➥ Sum of money to be paid for freeing a person from captivity ➥ रिहाई धन , फिरौती
✻ Forfeit ➥ Surrender something as a punishment or penalty ➥ जुर्माना
law related one word substitution pdf Download
2. Business and Economic Related One Word Substitution PDF Download ( Hindi and English ) :-
✻ Manufacturer ➥ A company thatmakes large quantities of goods. ➥ उत्पादक
✻ retailer ➥ A business that sells goods to customer through its shops. ➥ खुदरा व्यापारी
✻ Distributor ➥ A company or person that supplies shops and companies with goods. ➥ वितरक
✻ Service industry ➥ An industry that provides a service rather than a product. ➥ सेवा क्षेत्र
✻ Finance Company ➥ A company that lends money especially to businesses. ➥ वित्तीय कंपनी
✻ Corporation ➥ A big company or a group of companies working together as a single organization ➥ निगम
✻ Corporate ➥ A belonging or relating to a large company or corporations. ➥ निगम से सम्बंधित
✻ Parent company ➥ The company that controls a smaller company or organization ➥ मूल कंपनी
✻ Sister Company ➥ One of two or more companies that are owned by the same parent company. ➥ अधीनस्थ कंपनी
✻ Affiliate ➥ A small company or organization that is connected with or controlled by a large one. ➥ बड़ी कंपनी द्वारा संचालित छोटी कंपनी
✻ Venture capital ➥ The money lent to someone so that they can start a new business. ➥ प्रारंभिक पूंजी
✻ Economics ➥ Study of the method in which money and goods are produced or used. ➥ अर्थशास्त्र
✻ Economy ➥ One who studies the method in which money and goods are produced or used. ➥ अर्थ प्रबंधन
✻ Business cycle ➥ A cycle in which business activity increases, decreases and then increases. ➥ व्यवसाय चक्र
✻ Inflation ➥ The continuous increases in prices, or the rate of which prices increase. ➥ मुद्रास्फीति
✻ Recession ➥ A difficult time when there is less trade, business activity etc. in a country than usual ➥ मंदी
✻ Currency ➥ The system or type of money that a country uses. ➥ मुद्रा
✻ Fiscal ➥ Related to money , taxes, debts etc that are owned and managed by the government. ➥ वित्तीय
✻ Gross domestic product ➥ The total value of all goods and services produced in a country in one year ➥ सकल घरेलू उत्पाद
✻ Gross national product ➥ The total value of all goods produced in a country usually in a single year. ➥ सकल राष्ट्रीय उत्पाद
✻ Perquisite ➥ An emolument over and above fixed salary ➥ अनुलाभ
✻ Embezzlement ➥ An act of misappropriation of money ➥ गबन
✻ Pilferage ➥ Act of stealing in small quantities ➥ लघुचोरी
✻ Subsistence ➥ Income just sufficient to live on. ➥ जीवित रहने के साधन
✻ Gratuity ➥ Money given as a reward for service. ➥ उपदान , उपहार
✻ Remuneration ➥ Reward for a work or service. ➥ मेहनताना , मजदूरी
✻ Incentive ➥ Something which provides interest and attraction. ➥ उत्पादन वृद्धि हेतु कर्मचारियो को अतिरिक्त भत्ता
✻ Commission ➥ To give money for sales to agents ➥ दलाली
Business and Economic related one word substitution pdf Download
3. Language Related One Word Substitution PDF ( Hindi and English ) :-
✻ Creole ➥ A language that is a combination of a European language with one or more other language ➥ मिश्रण भाषा
✻ Pidgin ➥ A language that is a mixture of two or other languages which can be used by people who do not speak each other's language. ➥ मिश्रित भाषा
✻ Dialect ➥ A form of a language which is spoken only in once area with words or grammar that are slightly different from other forms of the same language. ➥ किसी खास स्थान पर बोली जाने वाली भाषा
✻ Patois ➥ The spoken from of a language used by the people of a small area and different from the national or standard language. ➥ खास बोली
✻ Vernacular ➥ A language or form of a language that ordinary people use, especially one that is not the official language. ➥ देशी भाषा
✻ Romance language ➥ A language that come from Latin, French Spanish etc. ➥ लैटिन , फ्रेंच , स्पेनिश से बनी भाषा
✻ Slavonic language ➥ A language such as Russian , Bulgarian or polish. ➥ रसियन , बुलगारिया और पोलिश भाषा
✻ Germanic language ➥ A language such as German, English , Dutch or the Scandinavian language. ➥ जर्मन , इंग्लेंड , होलैंड , नार्वे , स्वीडन आदि की भाषा
✻ Semitic language ➥ A language such as Arabic or Hebrew. ➥ अरबी और हिब्रू भाषा
✻ Braille ➥ A form of printing for blind people, with raised parts that they can read by touching the paper with their fingers. ➥ अन्धो की लिपि
✻ Intonation ➥ The way in which the level of your voice changes in order to add meaning to what you are saying. ➥ स्वरशैली
✻ Pitch ➥ How high or low a spoken sound is ➥ बातचीत का तरीका
✻ Prosody ➥ The patterns of sound and rhythm in poetry and spoken language. ➥ छंद शास्त्र
✻ Slang ➥ Very informal, sometimes offensive language that is used especially by people who belong to a particular group. ➥ अनौपचारिक शब्द
✻ Jargon ➥ Words and expresion used by a particular group of people which are different for other people to understand. ➥ तकिया कलाम
✻ Terminology ➥ The technical words or expressions that are used when talking about a particular subject. ➥ शब्दावली
✻ Linguistics ➥ The study of language its grammar and history. ➥ भाषा विज्ञान
✻ Semantics ➥ The study of meaning of words and phrases. ➥ अर्थ विज्ञान
✻ Orthography ➥ The study of spelling. ➥ वर्तनी
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4. Sound Related One Word Substitution PDF ( Hindi and English ) :-
✻ Beating of drums ➥ ढोलक की आवाज
✻ Jingling of coins ➥ सिक्के की आवाज
✻ Roaring of lions ➥ शेरों की दहाड़
✻ Whistling of engines ➥ इंजनो की आवाज
✻ Clapping of hands ➥ तालियों की आवाज
✻ Rattling of wheels ➥ पहिए की आवाज
✻ Creaking of shoes ➥ जूतों की आवाज
✻ Blow of bugles ➥ बिगुल की आवाज
✻ Brackle of wood ➥ लकडियो की जलने की आवाज
✻ Clatter of hoofs ➥ जानवर के पैरो की आवाज
✻ Flutter of wings ➥ पंखो की फडफडाहट
✻ Lisp of babies ➥ बच्चो की तुतलाहट
✻ Report of rifles ➥ राइफलो की आवाज
✻ Zoom of aero planes ➥ हवाई जहाज की आवाज
✻ Ring of metals ➥ धातुओं की आवाज
✻ Ripple of waves ➥ तरंगो की आवाज
✻ Tinkles of glass ➥ सीसों की आवाज
✻ Tick of watches ➥ घड़ियों की टिकटिकाहट
✻ Patter of rain ➥ बारिशों की झिमझिमाहट
✻ Babbling of a brook ➥ पानी की कलकलाहट
✻ Blaring of loudspeaker ➥ लाउडस्पीकर की आवाज
✻ Chiming of bells, clock ➥ घंटियों की टिनटीनाहट
✻ Slam of a door ➥ दरवाजों की आवाज
✻ Grating of machines ➥ मशीनों की आवाज
✻ Thudding of coconuts ➥ नारियलों की आवाज
✻ Banging of door ➥ दरवाजे की आवाज
✻ Ringing of bells ➥ घंटियों की आवाज
✻ Thunder of clouds ➥ बादलों की गर्जन
✻ Rippling of water ➥ पानी की कलकलाहट
✻ Clank of chain ➥ धातुओं की आवाज
✻ Rustling of leaves ➥ पत्तियों की सरसराहट
✻ Blare of trumpets ➥ तुरतुरी की आवाज
✻ Buzz of telephones ➥ फ़ोनों की आवाज
✻ Chatter of teeth ➥ दांतों की कलकलाहट
✻ Crackles of fire ➥ आग के जलने की आवाज
✻ Purl of streams ➥ जल धारा की कलकलाहट
✻ Boom of guns ➥ बन्दूको की आवाज
✻ Rumbles of thunder ➥ बादलों का गर्जना
✻ Flutter of flags ➥ झंडो की आवाज
✻ Sigh of winds ➥ हवाओ की सरसराहट
✻ Rumble of trains ➥ रेलगाडियों की आवाज
✻ Rattle of Plates ➥ थालियों की आवाज
✻ Creak of shoes ➥ जूतों की खटखटाहट
✻ Creak of nut ➥ काष्ठफल की आवाज
✻ Churning of sea water ➥ समुद्री लहरों की आवाज
✻ Clatter of plates ➥ चम्मचो की आवाज
✻ Rumbling of vehicles ➥ भारी वाहनों की आवाज
✻ Shuffling of vehicles ➥ पैरो की आवाज
✻ Splashing of feet ➥ पानी के छपछपाहट की आवाज
✻ Tapping at the bolted door ➥ छिटकनी की आवाज
✻ Tinkling of glasses ➥ शीशो की आवाज
sound related one word substitution pdf download
5. Obsession Related One Word Substitution PDF ( Hindi and English ) :-
✻ Ailuromania ➥ an obsession for cat ➥ बिल्ली से अत्यधिक लगाव
✻ Anthomania ➥ an obsession for flowers ➥ फूलो से अत्यधिक लगाव
✻ Ablutomania ➥ an obsession for personal cleanlines ➥ सफाई से अत्यधिक लगाव
✻ Bibliomania ➥ an obsession with books ➥ किताबो से अत्यधिक लगाव
✻ Dipsomania ➥ an obsession with drink ➥ शराब पीने से अत्यधिक लगाव
✻ Egomania ➥ an obsession with oneself ➥ स्वयं से अत्यधिक लगाव
✻ Hypomania ➥ a mild manic excitement ➥ अतिउतावलापन
✻ Kleptomania ➥ an obsession for stealing ➥ चोरी से अत्यधिक लगाव
✻ Logomania ➥ an obsession for talking ➥ वार्तालाप से अत्यधिक लगाव
✻ Macromania ➥ a delusion that one's body has become very big ➥ अत्यधिक मोटा महसूस करना
✻ Micromania ➥ a delusion that one's body has become very small ➥ अत्यधिक पतला महसूस करना
✻ Megalomania ➥ a morbid delusion of one's grandeur ➥ अपनी समृद्धि से अत्यधिक लगाव
✻ Monomania ➥ single fixed obession ➥ झ्क्खीपन
✻ Nymphomania ➥ single fixed obession ➥ अत्यधिक भोग - बिलासीपन
✻ Pseudomania ➥ an obsession for boasting ➥ अत्यधिक डींग हाकने की प्रवर्ति
✻ Pyromania ➥ an obsession to set fire for thrill ➥ अत्यधिक आग प्रेम
✻ Scribble mania ➥ a passion for writing anything ➥ लिखने की अत्यधिक प्रवर्ती
✻ Theomania ➥ a delusion that one has become a god ➥ खुद को भगवान समझने की अत्यधिक प्रवर्ती
✻ Gephyromania ➥ an obsession for crossing bridges ➥ पुल पार करने की अत्यधिक प्रवर्ती
✻ Demomania ➥ an obsession for crowd ➥ भीड़ में रहने की अत्यधिक प्रवर्ती
✻ Mecromania ➥ an obsession for dead bodies ➥ मृत शरीर से अत्यधिक लगाव
✻ Thanatamania ➥ an obsession for death ➥ मृत्यु से अत्यधिक लगाव
✻ Cynomania ➥ an obsession for dogs ➥ कुत्तो से अत्यधिक लगाव
✻ Narcomania ➥ an obsession for drugs ➥ मृत्यु से अत्यधिक लगाव
✻ Phagomania ➥ an obsession for eating ➥ खाने से अत्यधिक लगाव
✻ Hippomania ➥ an obsession for horses ➥ घोड़ो से अत्यधिक लगाव
✻ Mythomania ➥ an obsession for boasting ➥ अत्यधिक झुठ बोलना
✻ Megalomania ➥ an obsession for power ➥ शक्ति से अत्यधिक लगाव
✻ Medonomania ➥ an obsession for pleasure ➥ ख़ुशी से अत्यधिक लगाव
✻ Entheomania ➥ an obsession for religion ➥ धर्म से अत्यधिक लगाव
✻ Plutomania ➥ an obsession for riches ➥ धन से अत्यधिक लगाव
✻ Erotomania ➥ an obsession for sex ➥ सेक्स से अत्यधिक लगाव
✻ Monomania ➥ an obsession for single idea ➥ एक ही विचार से अत्यधिक लगाव
✻ Tomomania ➥ an obsession for surgery ➥ सर्जरी से अत्यधिक लगाव
✻ Dromomania ➥ an obsession for traveling ➥ यात्रा से अत्यधिक लगाव
✻ Ergomania ➥ an obsession for work ➥ काम से अत्यधिक लगाव
✻ Kleptomania ➥ An excessively morbid desire to steal ➥ चोरी करने की बीमारी
✻ Megalomania ➥ A mental illness or condition in which somebody has an exaggerated belief in their own importance or power ➥ मानसिक बीमारी
✻ Pyromania ➥ A mental illness that causes a strong desire to set fire to things ➥ ऐसी मन स्थिति से ग्रसित व्यक्ति जो चीजो को जलाने की इच्छा रखता हो
✻ Dipsomania ➥ Irresistible craving for alcoholic drinks ➥ मदिरापान
✻ Paranoia ➥ Mental derangement ➥ मानसिक उन्माद / पागलपन
Obsession related one word substitution pdf download
6. Medical Practitioners Related One Word Substitution PDF ( Hindi and English ) :-
✻ Medico ➥ A medical student ➥ डॉक्टरी पढने वाला
✻ Oculist ➥ A person who attends to the diseases of the eye is an ➥ नेत्रवैध
✻ Pediatrist ➥ Concerned with children and their illness ➥ बाल चिकित्सक
✻ Orthopedics ➥ The area of medicine that treats illness of bones ➥ हड्डियों का डॉक्टर
✻ Psychiatrist ➥ Specialist in mental or emotional disturbance. ➥ मनोरोग विशेषज्ञ
✻ Cardiologist ➥ a specialist in heart disease ➥ दिल की बीमारी का विशेषज्ञ
✻ Chiropractor ➥ a doctor of bone displacement ➥ हड्डि के इलाज का विशेषज्ञ
✻ Chiropodist ➥ a specialist in feet ailment ➥ पैरो की बीमारी का विशेषज्ञ
✻ Dentist ➥ a specialist in teeth ailment ➥ दांतों की बीमारी का विशेषज्ञ
✻ Dermatologist ➥ a specialist in skin disease ➥ त्वचा की बीमारी का विशेषज्ञ
✻ Gerontologist ➥ a specialist in old age disease ➥ बूढ़े लोग की बीमारी का विशेषज्ञ
✻ Gynecologist ➥ a specialist in woman disease ➥ महिला की बीमारी का विशेषज्ञ
✻ Neurologist ➥ a specialist in nerve disease ➥ तंत्रिका तंत्र की बीमारी का विशेषज्ञ
✻ Obstetrician ➥ a specialist in woman disease during pregnancy ➥ स्त्री रोग विशेषज्ञ
✻ Ophthalmologist ➥ a specialist in ye disease ➥ नेत्र रोग विशेषज्ञ
✻ Urologist ➥ a specialistin urine disease ➥ मूत्र रोग विशेषज्ञ
✻ Gestrologist ➥ a specialist in teeth, gums and jaw treatment ➥ दांत- जबड़ा सम्बंधित रोग
✻ Orthodontist ➥ a specialist in teeth , gums and jaw treatment ➥ दांत- जबड़ा सम्बंधित रोग विशेषज्ञ
✻ Orthopedist ➥ a specialist in done disease problem ➥ हड्डी विशेषज्ञ
✻ Otologist ➥ a specialist in ear, nose & throat diseases ➥ कान , नाक और गला रोग विशेषज्ञ
✻ Pediatrician ➥ a specialist in baby disease ➥ शिशु रोग विशेषज्ञ
✻ Pathologist ➥ a special in baby disease ➥ शिशु रोग विशेषज्ञ
✻ Podiatrist ➥ a special in feet disease ➥ पैरो की बीमारी का विशेषज्ञ
✻ Psychiatrist ➥ a specialist in mental disease ➥ मानसिक बीमारी विशेषज्ञ
✻ Psychologist ➥ a specialist in reading human behaviour ➥ मानव व्यवहार अध्धयन विशेषज्ञ
✻ Rhinologist ➥ a specialist in nose disease ➥ नाक रोग विशेषज्ञ
✻ Endorcrinologist ➥ a specialist in glands of internal secretion ➥ आन्तरिक ग्रंथो का विशेषज्ञ
✻ Osteopath ➥ a specialist in treating crooked teeth ➥ टेढ़े - मेढे दांतों का विशेषज्ञ
✻ Medical Practitioners Related One Word Substitution PDF Download ( Hindi and English )
7. Animal Related One Word Substitution PDF ( Hindi and English ) :-
✻ Predator ➥ An animal which lives by preying on other animals ➥ परभक्षी
✻ Aquiline ➥ eagle like ➥ चील जैसा
✻ Invertebrates ➥ Animals without backbone ➥ अकशेरुकी
✻ Leonine ➥ lion like ➥ शेर जैसा
✻ Ovine ➥ sheep like ➥ भेड़ जैसा
✻ Porcine ➥ pig like ➥ सूअर जैसा
✻ Serpentine ➥ serpent like ➥ सांप जैसा
✻ Ursine ➥ bear like ➥ भालू जैसा
✻ Vulpine ➥ wolf like ➥ भेड़िया जैसा
✻ Asinine ➥ ass like ➥ गधे जैसा
✻ Bovine ➥ cattle like ➥ बैल / गाय जैसा
✻ Canine ➥ dog like ➥ कुत्ते जैसा
✻ Elephantine ➥ elephant like ➥ हाथी जैसा
✻ Equine ➥ horse like ➥ घोड़े जैसा
✻ Feline ➥ cat like ➥ बिल्ली जैसा
✻ carnivorous ➥ Animals that eat flesh ➥ मांसाहारी
✻ Aquatic ➥ Animals which live in water ➥ जलीय
✻ Harness ➥ An equipment of a horse ➥ घोड़े का साज
✻ Harpoon ➥ A spear on a rope for catching whales and other larger fish ➥ हारपुन - मछली पकड़ने की बर्छी या भाला
✻ Hart ➥ An adult male deer ➥ हिरण
✻ Herd ➥ A number of Animals kept feeding or travelling together ➥ पशुओ का झुंड
✻ Hound ➥ A dog used for hunting ➥ शिकारी कुत्ता
✻ Mammal ➥ An animal that feeds its young with milk from the female mammary glands ➥ स्तनपायी प्राणी
✻ Mare ➥ A female of donkey / horse ➥ घोड़ी / गदही
✻ Offspring ➥ A young of Animals ➥ सन्तान / संतति
✻ Reptile ➥ An animal that creeps / crawls and lays eggs ➥ रेंगने वाला प्राणी
✻ Parasite ➥ An animals or plant living in or upon another ➥ परजीवी
✻ Herbivorous ➥ Animals that feeds on plants ➥ शाकाहारी
✻ fable ➥ An animal story with a moral ➥ दंत कथा
✻ Gregarious ➥ Animals who live in herds ➥ संघकारी
✻ Oviparous ➥ Bearing young by eggs ➥ अंडज
✻ Viviparous ➥ Bearing living young ➥ सजीव बच्चा देने वाली
✻ Amphibians ➥ Creatures who live both on land and in water ➥ जलथलचर , उभयचर
✻ Mutton ➥ Flesh of sheep used as food ➥ भेड़ का मांस
✻ Simian ➥ Like an ape or a monkey ➥ बंदररूपी
✻ Cannibal ➥ One who eats human flesh ➥ नरभक्षी
✻ Bovine ➥ Pertaining to cattle ➥ गाय गोरु समान , पशुवत
✻ Equine ➥ Pertaining to horses ➥ अश्वीय , घोड़े समान
✻ Fungus ➥ Simple, fast-spreading plant without flowers or leaves, which can often cause disease ➥ कवक
✻ Slough ➥ The dead skin cast off by a snake ➥ केंचुली
✻ Fauna ➥ The Animals of a particular region ➥ पशुवर्ग
✻ Gnaw ➥ To bite like a rat ➥ कुतरना
✻ Porcine ➥ That which is pig like ➥ सूअर जैसा
✻ Leonine ➥ That which is lion like ➥ सिंह जैसा
✻ Canine ➥ That which is dog like ➥ श्वान जैसा
✻ Vulpine ➥ That which is fox like ➥ लोमड़ी जैसा धूर्त
✻ Feline ➥ That which is cat like ➥ बिल्ली जैसा / धूर्त
✻ Piscine ➥ That which is fish like ➥ मछली जैसा
✻ Carcass ➥ The dead body of an Animal ➥ जानवरों का मृत शरीर
✻ Animal Related One Word Substitution PDF Download ( Hindi and English )
8. Time Related One Word Substitution PDF ( Hindi and English ) :-
✻ Annual ➥ happening once in a year ➥ वर्ष में एक बार
✻ Biennial ➥ happening in two years ➥ दो वर्ष में एक बार
✻ Biannual ➥ happening twice a year ➥ एक वर्ष में दो बार
✻ Triennial ➥ happening in three years ➥ तीन वर्ष में एक बार
✻ Quadrennial ➥ happening in four years ➥ चार वर्ष में एक बार
✻ Quinquennial ➥ happening once in five years ➥ पांच वर्ष में एक बार
✻ Sexennial ➥ happening once in six years ➥ छ: वर्ष में एक बार
✻ Septennial ➥ happening once in seven years ➥ सात वर्ष में एक बार
✻ Octennial ➥ happening once in eight years ➥ आठ वर्ष में एक बार
✻ Decennial ➥ happening once in ten years ➥ दस वर्ष में एक बार
✻ Decade ➥ A period of ten years ➥ दशक
✻ Deceannual ➥ happening ten times in a year ➥ एक वर्ष में एक बार
✻ Semi centennial ➥ 50th anniversary ➥ 50 वर्षगांठ
✻ Centennial ➥ 100th anniversary ➥ 100 वर्षगांठ
✻ Sesquicentennial ➥ 150th anniversary ➥ 150 वर्षगांठ
✻ Bicentennial ➥ 200th anniversary ➥ 200 वर्षगांठ
✻ Tercentennial ➥ 300th anniversary ➥ 300 वर्षगांठ
✻ Tetra centennial ➥ 400th anniversary ➥ 400 वर्षगांठ
✻ Pent centennial ➥ 500th anniversary ➥ 500 वर्षगांठ
✻ Hex centennial ➥ 600th anniversary ➥ 600 वर्षगांठ
✻ Adolescent ➥ A person who is 15 years old ➥ किशोर
✻ Teenager ➥ age from 13 years to 19 years of age ➥ 13 से 19 वर्ष के बीच
✻ Sexagenarian ➥ one who is in sixties ➥ 60 वर्ष की अवस्था का
✻ Septuagenarian ➥ one who is seventies ➥ 70 वर्ष की अवस्था का
✻ Octogenarian ➥ one who is in eighties ➥ 80 वर्ष की अवस्था का
✻ Nonagenarian ➥ one who is nineties ➥ 90 वर्ष की अवस्था का
✻ Centenarian ➥ one who is hundred years old ➥ 100 वर्ष की अवस्था का
✻ Century ➥ a period of hundred years ➥ शताब्दी
✻ Centenary ➥ Hundredth anniversary ➥ 100 वां वर्षगांठ
✻ centennial ➥ Completing a period of hundred years ➥ सौ साल का
✻ Biennial ➥ An event which happens once in two years ➥ द्विवार्षिक , दो साल में एक बार होने वाली घटना
✻ Quadrennial ➥ An event which happens once in four years ➥ चार साल में एक बार होने वाली घटना
✻ Quinquennial ➥ An event which happens once in five years ➥ पांच साल में एक बार होने वाली घटना
✻ Sexennial ➥ An event which happens once in six years ➥ छ: साल में एक बार होने वाली घटना
✻ Septennial ➥ An event which happensonce in seven years ➥ सात साल में एक बार होने वाली घटना
✻ Octennial ➥ An event which happensonce in eight years ➥ आठ साल में एक बार होने वाली घटना
✻ Decennial ➥ An event which happensonce in ten years ➥ दस साल में एक बार होने वाली घटना
✻ Millennium ➥ A period of 1000 ( thousand ) years ➥ एक हजार वर्ष की अवधि
✻ Antique ➥ Existing since old times ➥ पुराना / प्राचीन
✻ Annuity ➥ Fixed sum of money paid to somebody as income in his life time ➥ सालाना
✻ Contemporary ➥ living at the same time ➥ समकालीन
✻ Simultaneous ➥ Occurring at the same time ➥ एक ही समय होने वाला
✻ Sporadic ➥ Occurring at irregular intervals in time ➥ कभी कभार
✻ Nostalgia ➥ Sentimental longing for a period in a past ➥ भूतकाल की याद
✻ Transitory ➥ That which lasts for a short time ➥ अस्थायी
✻ Ante-meridiem ➥ The time between midnight and noon ➥ दोपहर से पहले का समय
✻ Triennial ➥ The conference takes place once in three years ➥ त्रिवार्षिक
✻ Fortnight ➥ A period of 15 days ➥ पंद्रह दिनों का समय पखवारा
✻ Anachronism ➥ A mistake in the chronological order or a thing which is out of harmony with a period ➥ काल गणना का भ्रम
✻ Chronological ➥ Arrangement in order of occurrence ➥ कालक्रमानुसार
✻ Era ➥ The period between two regions ➥ युग
✻ Taxidermy ➥ The art of preserving skin of Animals, birds, fishes ➥ चर्म प्रसाधन
✻ Time Related One Word Substitution PDF Download ( Hindi and English )
9. Place Related One Word Substitution PDF ( Hindi and English ) :-
✻ Dyke ➥ A wall built to prevent the sea or a river from flooding an area ➥ तटबंध
✻ Conservatory ➥ A room or building for the preservation of plants ➥ पादप संरक्षण कक्ष
✻ Hamlet ➥ A small village or group of houses ➥ छोटा गाँव / ढाणी
✻ Barracks ➥ A place where soldiers live ➥ सैनिक के लिए बने घर
✻ Isthmus ➥ A narrow stretch of land connecting two large bodies of land ➥ स्थल डमरू मध्य
✻ Oasis ➥ A shady fertile place in a desert. ➥ नखलिस्तान
✻ Abattoir ➥ A place where animals are slaughtered ➥ बूचड्खाना
✻ Archipelago ➥ A sea with a small group of islands ➥ द्वीप समूह
✻ Granary ➥ A place where food grains are stored ➥ अन्न भण्डार
✻ Hangar ➥ A building in which aircraft are housed ➥ विमानाशाला
✻ Harbour ➥ A place of shelter for ships ➥ बंदरगाह
✻ Boutique ➥ A small shop that sells fashionable clothes, cosmetics etc. ➥ दुकान
✻ Gallery ➥ A building for the display of works of art. ➥ कला भवन
✻ Observatory ➥ A building equipped with a powerful telescope for astronomical observatory ➥ वैधशाला
✻ Arsenal ➥ A building where military weapons are prepared or stored ➥ शास्त्रागार
✻ Restaurant ➥ A place where people lunch on payment ➥ भोजनालय / जलपान गृह
✻ Fold ➥ A small enclosure for cattle ,sheep ,poultry etc. ➥ भेड़ो, पशुओ तथा घरेलू मुर्गियों का बाडा
✻ Sanctuary ➥ A holy or sacred place ➥ पवित्र स्थान / देवालय
✻ Emporium ➥ A large retail store ➥ बिक्री केंद्र
✻ Cantonment ➥ A permanent military station ➥ छावनी
✻ Mausoleum ➥ A magnificent tomb ➥ विशाल मकबरा
✻ Laundry ➥ A place where clothes are washed and pressed ➥ कपड़े धोने की दुकान
✻ Mint ➥ A place where coins are made ➥ टकसाल - वह स्थान जहाँ सिक्के डाले जाते है
✻ Monastery ➥ A building in which monks live ➥ मठ / आश्रम
✻ Monument ➥ A building which is constructed to keep alive one's memory. ➥ स्मारक
✻ Motel ➥ A hotel for the motorists, in which parking and servicing facilities are available ➥ कार सहित व्यक्तियों के ठहरने का होटल
✻ Museum ➥ A building where works of art, scientific specimens and other objects of permanent value are kept and displayed. ➥ संग्रहालय / अजायबघर
✻ Nursery ➥ A room or place set apart for children ➥ शिशुशाला
✻ Nursery ➥ A place where young plants and trees are raised for tranplantation ➥ पेड़ - पौधों का घर
✻ Paradise ➥ A place of perfect peace and happiness ➥ पूर्ण शांति एवं सुख का स्थान
✻ Vineyard ➥ An area of land planted with grapes ➥ अंगूर उद्यान
✻ Aerodrome ➥ A ground for the arrival and departure of aeroplanes ➥ हवाई अड्डा
✻ Crematorium ➥ A building in which dead bodies are burnt ➥ शवदाह - गृह
✻ Corridor ➥ A door which opens into rooms by a narrow passage ➥ गलियारा / रास्ता
✻ Cemetery ➥ A place where dead bodies are buried ➥ कब्रिस्तान
✻ Armoury ➥ A place where arms are kept ➥ अस्त्र - शस्त्र रखने का स्थान
✻ Equator ➥ An imaginary line round the earth ➥ विषुवत रेखा
✻ Orphanage ➥ A place where orphans are housed ➥ अनाथालय
✻ Isthmus ➥ A narrow piece of land connecting two large masses of land ➥ संयोग भूमि
✻ Altar ➥ A raised place on which offerings to a God are made ➥ वेदिका
✻ Abode ➥ A place of permanent residence ➥ आवास
✻ Sanatorium ➥ A hospital for the treatment of chronic diseases ➥ आरोग्य निवास
✻ Constellation ➥ A number of stars grouped together ➥ तारामंडल
✻ Pantry ➥ A small room in a big house , hotel , ship etc. where glasses ,dishes, spoons , food etc. are kept ➥ रसोई
✻ Walkway ➥ A raised passageway in a building ➥ पैदल रास्ता
✻ Bottleneck ➥ A situation that stops an activity from progressing ➥ मार्ग अवरोध
✻ Cascade ➥ A small waterfall or group of waterfalls flowing down a rocky hill side is called. ➥ झरना
✻ Aquarium ➥ A tank where fish or water plants are kept ➥ मछलीघर
✻ Asylum ➥ A place of refuge and safety ➥ शरण स्थल
✻ Hutch ➥ A pen for small animals ➥ पिंजरा
✻ Convent ➥ A place where nuns live and work ➥ मठ
✻ Archive ➥ A place where government / public records are kept ➥ अभिलेखागार
✻ Dominion ➥ An area of land that is controlled by a ruler ➥ अधिराज्य
✻ Synagogue ➥ A place where jews worship according to their religion ➥ यहूदी उपासना गृह
✻ Boulevard ➥ A broad road bordered with trees. ➥ मुख्य मार्ग
✻ Auditorium ➥ A building where the audience sits ➥ सभा भवन , श्रोताकक्ष
✻ Mortuary ➥ Building in which dead bodies are kept before burial or crematio ➥ मुर्दाघर
✻ Periphery ➥ Boundary of an area ➥ परिधि
✻ Cynosure ➥ Centre of attraction or interest ➥ आकर्षण केंद्र / धुर्व तारा
✻ Rotunda ➥ Circular building or hall with a dome ➥ गोलाकार भवन
✻ Concentric ➥ Having a common centre ➥ समकेंद्री
✻ Burrow ➥ Hole excavated by an animal as dwelling ➥ बिल
✻ Impenetrable ➥ Incapable of being penetrated ➥ अभेध / अथाह
✻ Impregnable ➥ Incapable of being taken by force of arms ➥ अजेय / अभेध
✻ Barren ➥ Land that does not grow anything ➥ बंजर
✻ Fertile ➥ Land that grows things in abundance ➥ उपजाऊ जमीन
✻ Forum ➥ Place of gathering for public discussion ➥ जनसभा , गोष्ठी
✻ Recess ➥ Secret place difficult to access ➥ गुप्त स्थान
✻ Brewery ➥ Place where wine is made ➥ शराब का कारखाना
✻ Scullery ➥ Room for washing kitchen utensils ➥ रसोई के बर्तन मोंजने की जगह
✻ Portico / porch ➥ Roof supported by columns at the entrance of a building ➥ द्वारमंडल
✻ Parliament ➥ Supreme law making assembly ➥ संसद
✻ Podium ➥ A speaker's platform ➥ मंच
✻ Condominium ➥ An apartment building in which each apartment is owned separetely by the people living in it , but also containing shared areas. ➥ सहशासित राज्य
✻ Domicile ➥ A person living permanently in a certain place ➥ घर / सर्वदा रहने का स्थान
✻ Conventicle ➥ Secret religious meeting ➥ गुप्त धार्मिक सभा
✻ Cellar ➥ Underground place for storing wine or other provisions ➥ गोदाम
✻ Apiary ➥ where bees are kept ➥ जहाँ मधुमक्खियो को रखा जाता है
✻ Abattoir ➥ where animals are slaughtered ➥ कस्साई खाना
✻ Aquarium ➥ a glass tank for fishes ➥ जहाँ मधुमक्खियो को रखा जाता है
✻ Arena ➥ A place for wrestling ➥ अखाडा
✻ Arsenal ➥ where ammunition is kept ➥ शास्त्रागार
✻ Asylum ➥ a place for lunatics and refugees ➥ शरणस्थली , पागल खाना
✻ Archives ➥ where government records are kept ➥ लेखाकार
✻ Armour ➥ where guns are kept ➥ बंदूक रखने का स्थान
✻ Brewery ➥ where beer is manufactured ➥ बियर बनाने का स्थान
✻ Bakery ➥ where bread is made ➥ बेकरी
✻ Cage ➥ a case for birds ➥ पिंजरा
✻ Casino ➥ a place with gambling tables ➥ जुआखाना
✻ Cloakroom ➥ where the dead are buried ➥ क्रबिरिस्तान
✻ Crematorium ➥ where the funeral rites are performed ➥ श्मशान
✻ Dockyard ➥ where ships are fanufactured ➥ जहाँ जहाज बनाए जाते है
✻ Depot ➥ where goods are stored ➥ गोदाम , भण्डार
✻ Dormitory ➥ the sleeping rooms in public institution ➥ शयनशाला
✻ Elysium ➥ a paradise with perfect bliss ➥ स्वर्ग
✻ Gymnasium ➥ where exercises are performed ➥ व्यायामशाला
✻ Garage ➥ a place where motorcars are kept ➥ जहाँ वाहनों को खड़ा किया जाता है
✻ Hive ➥ a place for bees ➥ मधुमख्खी का छत्ता
✻ Hutch ➥ a wooden box for rabbits ➥ खरगोश के लिए लकड़ी का बोक्स
✻ Kennel ➥ a shelter for dogs ➥ कुत्तो का घर
✻ Lair/Den ➥ where wild animals rest ➥ मांद
✻ Laboratory ➥ where scientific experiments are done ➥ प्रयोगशाला
✻ kiln ➥ where bricks are made ➥ ईट भट्टा
✻ Museum ➥ where historical relics are kept ➥ संग्रहालय
✻ Magazines ➥ where ammunition are weapons are stored ➥ शस्त्रागार
✻ Menagerie ➥ where wild animals are kept ➥ जंगली जानवरों को रखने का स्थान
✻ Morgue ➥ where dead bodies are kept for Identification ➥ मुर्दाघर ( शवो की पहचान के लिए )
✻ Nursery ➥ where young plants are grown ➥ जहाँ पोधे उगाए जाते है
✻ Orchard ➥ where fruit trees are grown ➥ फलो का बगीचा
✻ Observatory ➥ where astronomical observations are made ➥ वेधशाला
✻ Orphanage ➥ where orphans are kept ➥ अनाथालय
✻ Reservoir ➥ where water is stored ➥ जलाशय
✻ Resort ➥ a place visited for pleasure or health ➥ स्वास्थ्यप्रद जलवायु वाली जगह
✻ Stable ➥ A shelter for a horse ➥ अस्तबल
✻ Sty ➥ where pigs are kept ➥ सुअरों का बारा
✻ Sheath ➥ a case in which a sword is kept ➥ मयान
✻ Smithy ➥ where iron implements are forged ➥ लौह भट्टी
✻ Sanatorium ➥ a place to recover from sickness ➥ अस्पताल
✻ Tannery ➥ where leather is tanned ➥ जहाँ चमड़े की वस्तु बनाई जाती है
✻ Wardrobe ➥ a case for puting clothes ➥ अलमारी ( कपडा रखने के लिए )
✻ Vineyard ➥ where grapes are grown ➥ जहाँ अंगूरों की खेती होती है
✻ Prison ➥ where convicts are kept ➥ जेल
✻ Lgloo ➥ a home of Eckimos ➥ स्कीमो जनजाति का घर
✻ Caravan ➥ a home of gypsy ➥ खानाबदेशो का घर
✻ Hermitage ➥ a home of hermit ➥ जहाँ तपस्वी रहते है
✻ Palace ➥ a home of kings ➥ महल
✻ Mosque ➥ where prayer is offered ➥ मस्जिद
✻ Castle ➥ a home of nobleman ➥ राजमहल
✻ Parsonage ➥ a home of nobleman ➥ पादरियों का घर
✻ Cottage ➥ a home of peasant ➥ कुटिया
✻ Presbytery ➥ a home of preanat ➥ पुजारियों का घर
✻ Barracks ➥ a home of soldier ➥ सिपाहियों की छावनी
✻ Chalet ➥ a home of Swiss ➥ स्वीडन के लोगों का घर
✻ Pavement ➥ a home of vagrant ➥ सड़क के नीचे का तहखाना
✻ Kraal ➥ a home of Zulu ➥ जुलू जनजाति का घर
✻ Dovecote ➥ a home of pigeon ➥ कबूतर रखने का बोक्स
✻ Barn ➥ a home of owl ➥ जहाँ उल्लू रहते है
✻ Oasis ➥ a green place in desert ➥ मरुधान
✻ Burrow ➥ a home of hare ➥ खरगोश का मांद
✻ Coop ➥ a home of fowl ➥ पक्षी का दडबा
✻ Dray ➥ a home of squirrel ➥ जहाँ गिलहरिया को रखा जाता है
✻ Web ➥ a home of spider ➥ मकड़ी जाल
✻ Byre ➥ a home of cow ➥ गोशाला
✻ Burrow,warren ➥ a home of rabbit ➥ खरगोशो का घर
✻ Eyrir ➥ a home of eagle ➥ चील का घर
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