50+ Spelling Test Exercises Online Quiz | Question and Answer | PDF Download |

50+ Spelling Test Exercises Online Quiz | Question and Answer | PDF Download |

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यहाँ 50+ spelling test अभ्यास प्रश्नोंत्तरी mcq / 50+ spelling test अभ्यास प्रश्न दिए गये है जो विभिन्न प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं के लिए उपयोगी है |

1. Pick out the word which is misspelt: Camera Camramen Campaign Cartilage

2. Pick out the word which is misspelt: Skeletan Skeleton Sketch Sizeable

3. Pick out the word which is misspelt: Simultaneous Simulteneius Sincerely Sine-die

4. Pick out the word which is misspelt: Rumour Warrant Roughage Ruote

5. Pick out the word which is misspelt: Repallant Repetitive Repellent Reprieve

6. Pick out the word which is misspelt: Renaissance Remambrance Reminiscent Renounce

7. Pick out the word which is misspelt: Squirrel Multiplier Redressel Pursuant

8. Pick out the word which is misspelt: Pomergrante Polytheism Polynomial Plumber

9. Pick out the word which is misspelt: Philanthropy Phylosophy Phoenix Phonetic

10. Pick out the word which is misspelt: Padestrian Optimism Orchestra Oestrogen

11. Pick out the word which is spelt correctly in the following sets of words: Abundence Abundance Asceptance Acceptence

12. Pick out the word which is spelt correctly in the following sets of words: Accustomed Acustomed Accustemed Acustommed

13. Pick out the word which is spelt correctly in the following sets of words: Adjourned Cataloge Anemia Affiedavit

14. Pick out the word which is spelt correctly in the following sets of words: Advantegious Advantegeous Allieviate Aestheitic

15. Pick out the word which is spelt correctly in the following sets of words: Anonymous Anonimous Anonymus Anonymoes

16. Pick out the word which is spelt correctly in the following sets of words: Deficiancy Deficiency Defficiency Deficiancy

17. Pick out the word which is spelt correctly in the following sets of words: Cigaerette Cigarratte Circiuit Cigarette

18. Pick out the word which is spelt correctly in the following sets of words: Chivalarous Colleteral Collateral Coleterral

19. Pick out the word which is spelt correctly in the following sets of words: Dialemma Dilemma Diptheiria Dyptheria

20. Pick out the word which is spelt correctly in the following sets of words: Condemn Condemm Colonal Diety

21. Pick out the word which is spelt correctly in the following sets of words: Colleigue Colleague Comitlment Depandance

22. Pick out the word which is spelt correctly in the following sets of words: Discriminate Daignosis Dicipline Descriminate

23. Pick out the word which is spelt correctly in the following sets of words: Comparatively Comperatively Comparetively Comperetively

24. Pick out the word which is spelt correctly in the following sets of words: Cesation Cessetion Cessation Ceissation

25. Pick out the word which is spelt correctly in the following sets of words: Buriel Burial Buerial Buirial

26. Pick out the word which is spelt correctly in the following sets of words: Corespondence Correspondence Correspondance Corruspondence

27. Pick out the word which is spelt correctly in the following sets of words: Courtius Courtious Courteious Courteous

28. Pick out the word which is spelt correctly in the following sets of words: Pneumonia Neumonia Pnumonia Nuemonia

29. Pick out the word which is spelt correctly in the following sets of words: Luxurious Laxurious Luxerious Luxarious

30. Pick out the word which is spelt correctly in the following sets of words: Meintenance Maintanance Maintainaince Maintenance

31. Pick out the word which is spelt correctly in the following sets of words: Leftinent Liettenant Lieutenent Lieutenant

32. Pick out the word which is spelt correctly in the following sets of words: Perservence Perservarence Persarvarence Perservarence

33. Pick out the word which is spelt correctly in the following sets of words: Obedience Obeidiance Obediance Obidience

34. Pick out the word which is spelt correctly in the following sets of words: Necesseity Necessity Nesacity Nessacity

35. Pick out the word which is spelt correctly in the following sets of words: Oscilliate Osciellate Oscillate Osciellate

36. Pick out the word which is spelt correctly in the following sets of words: Parashuite Parachute Parashuite Paracshute

37. Pick out the word which is spelt correctly in the following sets of words: Pavallian Pavillian Pavillien Pavilion

38. Pick out the word which is spelt correctly in the following sets of words: Reccomendation Recomandation Reccommendation Recommendation

39. Pick out the word which is spelt correctly in the following sets of words: Numerus Numerous Numberous Numbarous

40. Pick out the word which is spelt correctly in the following sets of words: Occassionaly Ocassionally Occasionally Occassionally

41. Choose the misspelt word from the list given: Biography Arsenal Cataloge Colleague

42. Choose the misspelt word from the list given: Anonymous Ignorrant Atheist Cannibal

43. Choose the misspelt word from the list given: Maniscript Text book Autobiography Recommendation

44. Choose the misspelt word from the list given: Prisonor Cosmopolitan Contemporary Linguist

45. Choose the misspelt word from the list given: Monarchy Democracy Oligarchy Monapoly

46. Choose the misspelt word from the list given: Credulous Insolvent Definition Iliterate

47. Choose the misspelt word from the list given: Edible Antedote Powerfull Obsolete

48. Choose the misspelt word from the list given: Cancellation Programme Anonymus Antiseptic

49. Choose the misspelt word from the list given: Illegible Indivisibel Incredible Vertebrae

50. Choose the misspelt word from the list given: Obsolete Insolible Receipt Verbose

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